Saying “I love you” to a partner for the first time should be one of the most important milestones in anyone’s relationship. It traditionally conveys a sense of closeness and comfortability that you share with someone special that is both unique, and powerful.

Before actually blurting it out to someone you really care about, you need to take the context of your relationship into account. If you are in a new relationship but already have these feelings, tread carefully. If your feelings have progressed at a faster pace than your partners, saying “I love you” too soon can be a little off-putting to some people.

When It Might Be The Right Time

Be sure of how you feel before saying anything. You need to make sure that the feelings you have are real and grounded. I love the quote below by Angelita Lim.

I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.

Angelita Lim

If you have truly seen someone for who they are at all points in their life, the low and the high, and still feel in love with them, go for it.

How To Communicate It

Sit down and make sure to choose the right time and place. Telling someone you love them is something that the other person will most likely remember for the rest of their lives, or your relationship haha.

Next, just execute on your plan. Once you’ve thought things through and you’re comfortable, just go for it. The amount of people that get cold feet at the last moment is astronomical. The most important thing here is to not overcomplicate things and to follow through.

Lastly, be open-minded about their response. Every person is going to have their own ideas on your relationship and will respond in kind. Be available to receive their feedback and response.

Don’t Fold To Outside Pressure

If you feel any outside pressure at all and feel like you’re being forced to reciprocate by saying “I love you”, that’s a huge red flag. No one should feel forced at all to tell someone that they love them, especially a significant other that you haven’t already told. If someone is pressuring you, you need to take a step back and analyze the situation.

Clearly and concisely explain your need for time, the idea here is to say it when YOU are ready and not being pressured into it.

Some Of The Possible Risks

In the same strain as I would say go with your gut, I also know how it feels to be on the receiving end. When someone “love bombs” you, it can make the person you’re telling it to feel a wide variety of emotions.

If you are in a new relationship and things are going well, survey the landscape around you. Talk with your partner, see how they really are feeling, and ask some simple questions (no interrogations). The goal here is to find out the range of emotions your partner is feeling before telling them that you love them. If they are using “soft” terms similar to “like” then maybe hold off for a little while.

The reason to gauge their interest before telling them that you love them is that some men, me for one, can be a little put off by a girl saying this. Usually, it means a level of commitment that some people just aren’t ready for and if you misjudge the timing, it can lead to the end of your relationship.